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Watch the Promo Interview with Founder, Crystal L. Gunn


The Founder's Story

Years ago when I was going through my own journey, when I       thought my life was falling apart, I asked God to show me what I was to be doing with my life.  I asked God to use me as God saw fit. It was immediately that I was given this assignment to unite and empower Black Women globally.

I still had to walk my journey, which I later realized was all part of the process, but it has been an amazing ride and now it's time to do more to have a bigger impact. 

The Amazing Woman Network is a platform...for YOU! One in which you can connect with women from around the globe, increase your reach, gain new customers, have bigger collaborations and bigger impact.

My goal is 1 million Black Women on this platform, connecting, building, inspiring and changing the world globally. 

Join us today.  There is no cost for membership but the benefits are endless. Although there is no membership fee, we ask that you consider an annual donation of $52 ($1 per week) which will be used for grants for our members to be able to bless their favorite nonprofit or social impact organization. 

Make it Amazing!

Crystal L. Gunn

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